About Humanify Foundation

Humanify Foundation is a non - profit organisation, which is working to bring peace and inculcate human values in society. We are working for the women empowerment, menstrual hygiene, destigmatization of periods, healthy menstruation, WASH campaign, gender discrimination, women rights & anti acid attack movement in India , underprivileged children & various others weaker sections of the society. This organisation aims to “nurture the humanity” in this world and make people more sensitive towards each other and create harmonious.

Who we are

Humanify Foundation is a non - profit organisation, which is working to bring peace and inculcate human values in society. We are working for the women empowerment, menstrual hygiene, destigmatization of periods, healthy menstruation, WASH campaign, gender discrimination, women rights & anti acid attack movement in India, underprivileged children & various others weaker sections of the society.

This organisation aims to “nurture the humanity” in this world and make people more sensitive towards each other and create harmonious and peaceful world through social, educational, mental and cultural growth.

Humanify’s Chairman Niraj Gera is a renowned social reformer, social documentary photographer & motivational speaker, who has been raising his voice for various underprivileged & marginalized sections of the society. As a speaker, he aims to inspire millions of Indians to become an instrument of social transformation in society.

What we do

Humanify Foundation has raised voice against the stigmatization of periods & myths related to periods. Humanify has organised various menstrual hygiene awareness camps in various states of India including Uttrakhand, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh etc.

We are working towards drafting & execution of a national menstruation policy for dealing with various issues related to menstruation, such as free sanitary products for all, periods shaming, educational reforms, period friendly infrastructures etc. He has met various union ministers of India, senior bureaucrats & govt. officials etc.

Humanify Foundation has adopted a village called Bel (Bhikiyasen) in Uttrakhand & a Youth Empowerment & Skill Training Centre has been initiated there where children & youth of Bel Village & adjoining areas are getting training for various skill & subjects such as Computers, Arts, Music , General Knowledge , English Conversation etc., though offline & online classes.

Humanify has also taken an initiated an online Petition / Campaign on Change.org for Free Sanitary Pads by Government of India for females living below poverty line, and it received a support from 2 Lac 25 Thousand supporters.

We are closely working for women empowerment along with the upliftment & social integration of acid attack survivors, underprivileged women & children and various others weaker sections of the society We have taken ownership of a violence-free society, stress-free minds & disease-free body and to erase the boundaries of race, nationality, and religion.