Happiness Express by Niraj Gera

Humanify Foundation has initiated a series of ‘Happiness Express’ sessions. It a nation-wide drive by eminent social activist Niraj Gera, the Chairman of Humanify. With a goal to make India a happier & stress-free nation, Humanify has initiated a nation-wide tour to reach out to young minds, to help them achieve their goals and to give them a vision for life.

Apart from strengthening the mental health of youth, these sessions break the myths & eliminate the stigma associated with menstruation. The 90 Minutes Session focuses on holistic growth of students/attendees, it includes amazing ice breaking activities, discussion about myths & stigmas associated with menstruation, women empowerment, gender sensitization apart from inculcating the habit of meditation & inculcating meditation in their lives for a successful life.

Our Mission

To create a world where menstruation is normalized, stigma-free, and understood as a natural and healthy part of every person's life. We envision a society where all individuals, regardless of their gender or socioeconomic background, have access to menstrual hygiene products, education, and supportive environments.

Happiness Express Till Now!

90,000 +

People Attended

260 +


22 +

From States

About Mission Man Niraj Gera

(Social activist, TEDx Speaker , Mentor of Change- Niti Aayog, Social Documentary Photographer , Art of Living Teacher)

Niraj Gera is a Delhi based multi-talented, spiritually driven, internationally acclaimed award winning photographer. He is a social reformer, certified life coach, an art of living faculty & last but not the least a motivational speaker and also a zealous traveller. He is the founder Chairman of the NGO “Humanify Foundation”. He aspires to work towards making this world a happy place by spreading the message of love, positivity, happiness, and wisdom in all possible ways. He is inspired by his “Guru SriSri Ravi Shankar ji”. Gera’s work has highlighted various social issues like acid attacks, gender discrimination, menstrual hygiene related myths & stigmas. His social projects have earned him recognition both at national & international platform.

His internationally acclaimed series “Sacred Transformation”, depicted the emotional journey of acid attack survivors & helped him raise awareness about acid attacks. His series received various prestigious national & international awards, also honourable mentions. Some of them were IPOTY (international photographer of the year 2016), CEPIC award (Germany ), SIPA award(Singapore), Golden Orchid award (Italy). Another of his series “Sacred Stains”, focused at spreading menstruation hygiene amongst masses, the photo series speaks volumes about sufferings.

He is working for women empowerment along with their upliftment and working for the weaker & under privileged sectors of the society. He has also received, “Angel of social reforms award”, for his outstanding social work. Besides these, he is also a photo documentary maker, blogger, writer & editor and a successful entrepreneur. He is an artist whose love and dedication for his work has inspired & will continue to inspire many.

Happiness Express Session Blue Print

  • 1. The session begins with engaging ice-breaking activities to foster connections.

    2. An interactive talk on student motivation aimed at inspiring them to identify their goals and work towards achieving them.

    3. Discussion on healthy menstruation through Niraj Gera's thought-provoking photo series 'Sacred Stains'.
  • 4. Addressing and dispelling shame, stigma, and myths surrounding menstruation.

    5. Promoting gender sensitivity and fostering respect for both genders through open conversation.

    6. A meditation session to encourage relaxation and mindfulness.
  • 7. Inspiring students to contribute to the betterment of their motherland.

    8. Ending the session on a positive and joyful note.

Pan India Sessions Gallery

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